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We regularly bring distinguished human rights scholars and practitioners to campus for one quarter to teach a seminar and offer a series of public lectures, thus advancing the Center’s goal of bringing the theory and practice of human rights into productive and creative conversation. This visiting professorship is made possible by a gift from Richard and Ann Pozen.

Julia Hall

Human Rights Lawyer, Researcher, and Advocate

Julia Hall is a US-trained lawyer who served as co-director of research in Amnesty International’s Europe Regional Office in the organization's International Secretariat from 2021-2023. Hall was Amnesty's expert on counter-terrorism and human rights in Europe from 2009-2024 and was senior legal counsel in the Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Program at Human Rights Watch from 1996-2009. She has conducted research, advocacy, and strategic litigation in over 25 countries and in a range of areas, including: freedom of expression in Europe; racial and gender discrimination; the prohibition against torture; refugee/migrants' rights; administrative and preventive detention; and oversight of intelligence agencies. She has also served as a trial monitor, including as a legal observer at military commissions' proceedings at Guantánamo Bay.

View Bio
Headshot of Louise Mallinder

Louise Mallinder

Spring 2024
Professor, Queen's University Belfast; Deputy Director, The Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice
Zoe Butt

Zoe Butt

Spring 2023
Curator and Writer; Founder, in-tangible institute
Jasbir Puar

Jasbir Puar _none

Spring 2022
Professor, The Institute for Gender, Race, Sexuality and Social Justice at the University of British Columbia
Teng Biao

Teng Biao

Winter 2022
Grove Human Rights Scholar, Hunter College
Dean Spade

Dean Spade

Autumn 2019
Professor, Seattle University School of Law
Carol Anderson

Carol Anderson

Spring 2019
Robert W. Woodruff Professor of African American Studies, Emory University
Visiting Artists 2017

Visiting Artists

Spring 2017
Lola Aria, Jelili Atiku, Tania Bruguera, Sandi Hilal, Carlos Javier Ortiz, Alessandro Petti, and Laurie Jo Reynolds
Judge Lech Garlicki

Judge Lech Garlicki

Autumn 2016
Professor of Law, Warsaw University
Kevin Bales

Kevin Bales

Autumn 2015
Professor of Contemporary Slavery, School of Politics and International Relations, University of Nottingham
Monica McWilliams

Monica McWilliams

Spring 2015
Emeritus Professor, Transitional Justice Institute, Ulster University
Eric Stover

Eric Stover

Autumn 2014
Co-Faculty Director of the Human Rights Center and Research Professor of Law, University of California at Berkeley
Dr. William F. Schulz

William F. Schulz

Spring 2013
President and CEO (Retired), Unitarian Universalist Service Committee
Elizabeth Borgwardt

Elizabeth Borgwardt

Spring 2012
Associate Professor of History and Law, Washington University in St. Louis
Rodolfo Stavenhagen

Rodolfo Stavenhagen

Spring 2011
Professor of Sociology (Retired), Colegio de Mexico
Justice Albie Sachs

Justice Albie Sachs

Winter 2010
Judge (Retired), Constitutional Court of South Africa