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The virtual human rights library brings together resources from multiple libraries and information services, both internal and external, to create an online hub dedicated to the study of human rights. This curation is unique in its interdisciplinary concerns and focuses on writings and research from social sciences, humanities, and law.

The virtual library is continually updated with the latest academic research in issue areas, as well as with relevant films, recorded conversations, and other forms of media.

Searchable Database

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Richard Wright 12 Million Black Voices (Basic Books, 2002)

12 Million Black Voices, first published in 1941, combines Wright's prose with startling photographs selected by Edwin Rosskam from the Security Farm Administration files compiled during the Great Depression. The photographs include works by such giants as Walker Evans, Dorothea...

Jianglin Li 1959 拉薩! (New Century Press, 2010)


本書是以 細緻入微的研究以及公正的立場揭示「1959年拉薩事件」歷史真相的開創性作品。

On March 10th, 1959, tens of thousands of people surrounded Norbulingka, the Dalai Lama's summer palace in Lhasa, preventing him from attending a prescheduled theater performance at the headquarters of the Tibetan Military Region. Soon afterwards, the...

Brendan Karch "A Jewish 'Nature Preserve': League of Nations Minority Protections in Nazi Upper Silesia, 1933–1937" Central European History 46, no. 01 (2013)

Under the guarantee of the League of Nations, Jews in most of Upper Silesia— an area encompassing nearly 1.5 million residents and around 10,000 Jews in 1933—were subject to special minority protections that barred Nazi discrimination on the basis of...

Michael Burawoy "A Public Sociology for Human Rights." introduction to J Blau and K Lyall Smith (eds), Public Sociologies Reader (2006).

A public sociology that will tackle the public issues of today requires the transformation of sociology as we know it. This is the stirring message of this volume—at the heart of sociology must lie a concern for society as such...

Robert Darby, Steven Svoboda "A Rose by Any Other Name? Rethinking the Similarities and Differences between Male and Female Genital Cutting" Medical Anthropology Quarterly, New Series, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Sep., 2007), pp. 301-323

In this article, we offer a critical examination of the tendency to segregate discussion of surgical alterations to the male and female genitals into separate compartments- the first known as circumcision, the second as genital mutilation. We argue that this...

Gideon Sjoberg, Elizabeth A. Gill, Norma Williams "A Sociology of Human Rights" Social Problems 48, no. 1 (2001): 11-47.

This paper has two main objectives. One is to consider the central place of human rights in today's global order and the other is to articulate a theoretical framework that will make sociological sense out of current human rights discourse...

Aram Galstyan, Fred Morstatter, Kristina Lerman, Ninareh Mehrabi, Nripsuta Saxena "A Survey on Bias and Fairness in Machine Learning" ACM Computing Surveys 54.6 (2022): 1-35.

With the widespread use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems and applications in our everyday lives, accounting for fairness has gained significant importance in designing and engineering of such systems. AI systems can be used in many sensitive environments to make...

Ayesha Khurshid "A Transnational Community of Pakistani Muslim Women: Narratives of Rights, Honor, and Wisdom in a Women's Education Project" Anthropology & Education Quarterly, Vol. 43, Issue 3, pp. 235–252

Using ethnographic data, this article explores how Muslim women teachers from low-income Pakistani communities employ the notion of “wisdom” to construct and perform their educated subjectivity in a transnational women’s education project. Through Butler’s performativity framework, I demonstrate how local...

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While the Virtual Library is now live for use, we are still working to update its contents and improve its functionality.  

It is usable by all visitors, but the hyperlinks to materials listed are for UChicago community members with a CNet ID and password.  

Please direct feedback and suggestions to Kathleen Cavanaugh

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