Join us for a day of panels where summer 2024 participants in the Human Rights Internship program share their experiences working for human rights. Learn about the many forms human rights work can take – and get tips for your own internship.
(though panels run throughout the day, feel free to stop by as your schedule allows)
Panel #1: 9:10-10:10 AM – Human Rights Policy and Research
Ben Laurence, facilitator
Zach Ashby / Urban Design Forum (Environmental Justice, Healthcare, Housing/ Urban Planning and Design)
Victoria Choo / Healthy People Rwanda + Corioli Institute (Healthcare)
Nora Holmes / Cook County Sheriff's Office (Immigrant/Refugee Rights, LGBTQ+ Rights, Reproductive Justice)
Gianna Grant / Civil Rights and Restorative Justice Project (Racial Justice)
Salma Tageldin / Corioli Institute (Immigrant/Refugee Rights)
Daniela Rivera Solanos / PODER (Environmental Justice, Socioeconomic Justice)
Panel #2: 10:25-11:25 AM – Community / Grassroots Organizing for Human Rights
María de los Ángeles Aguilarr, facilitator
Daphne Hoang / She Should Run (Socioeconomic Justice, Grassroots/Community Organizing, Non-Profit Organizations)
Iman Snobar / Beladi Fundacion (Immigrant/Refugee Rights)
James Roberson / in-tangible institute (Immigrant/Refugee Rights)
Abby Kodidek / Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) (Immigrant/Refugee Rights)
Shannon Dye / Chicago Votes (Mass Incarceration, Racial Justice)
Ryan Cairns / Arizona List (Reproductive Justice)
Panel #3: 11:40-12:40 PM – Human Rights, Education, and Social Change
Jessica Darrow, facilitator
Klara Bagaric / Reading Between the Lines + Ombudswomen for Children of the Republic of Croatia (Mass Incarceration, Environmental Justice, Healthcare, Education Equity)
Teya Lovell / Dosti Network (Immigrant/Refugee Rights, Education Equity)
Anusha Somani / Illinois Justice Project (Mass Incarceration, Racial Justice)
Orr Menirom / American Friends of the Parents Circle-Families Forum (Socioeconomic Justice, Peacemaking)
Anthony Calixto / Achieve Miami (Education Equity)
Gertie Zwick-Schachter / Corioli + The Door (Immigrant/Refugee Rights, Socioeconomic Justice)
Panel #4: 1:50-2:50 PM – Promoting Human Rights Through Research
Kathleen Cavanaugh, facilitator
Safia Singer-Pomerantz / Mount Sinai Human Rights (Immigrant/Refugee Rights)
Aya Hamza / UChicago Justice Project (Mass Incarceration, Racial Justice, Socioeconomic Justice)
Danni Gerace / Chicago Appleseed Justice for Fair Courts (Racial Justice, Socioeconomic Justice)
Elayna Whiteman / Corioli Institute (Environmental Justice, Socioeconomic Justice)
Kyle Lowe / Refugee Projects (Immigrant/Refugee Rights, Environmental Justice)
Harper Schwab / Results for America (Socioeconomic Justice, Housing/ Urban Planning and Design)
Panel #5: 3:05-4:05 PM – Immigrant and Refugee Rights | Direct Service, Law, and Policy
Ishani Dasgupta, facilitator
Nadia Sultana / Project Rousseau (Immigrant/Refugee Rights, Socioeconomic Justice)
Marc Orihuela / MICA Project (Immigrant/Refugee Rights)
Damary Alvarez / NIJC- National Immigrant Justice Center (Immigrant/Refugee Rights)
Remy Simon / Hyde Park Refugee Project (Immigrant/Refugee Rights)
Sarah Ginsburg / Global Human Rights Clinic, University of Chicago Law School (Immigrant/Refugee Rights, Racial Justice, LGBTQ+ Rights)
Saia Patel / Aspen Institute CSG (Environmental Justice, Socioeconomic Justice, Education Equity)