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Famine Politics in Maoist China and the Soviet Union

During the twentieth century, 80 percent of all famine victims worldwide died in China and the Soviet Union. In this rigorous and thoughtful study, Felix Wemheuer analyzes the historical and political roots of these socialist-era famines, in which overambitious industrial programs endorsed by Stalin and Mao Zedong created greater disasters than those suffered under prerevolutionary regimes.




本書作者從事新聞工作數十年,他窮數年之功,跑遍了當年災難最嚴重的十幾個省份,親自查閱無數公開或秘藏的檔案與記錄,訪問當事人,反覆查證,以史筆之心與新聞記者的良知,數易其稿,真實地再現了這段慘絕人寰的人間痛史,並以大量的事實和數據,條分縷析造成這場大饑饉的主因並非天災,而是在氣候正常的年景,在一個沒有戰爭、沒有瘟疫的和平發展年代裏所發生的慘劇,作者還深刻地指出,這個中國當代史上的大饑荒的成因及結果,也間接引發了另一場浩劫 ── 文化大革命。

Famine Relief in Warlord China

Famine Relief in Warlord China is a reexamination of disaster responses during the greatest ecological crisis of the pre-Nationalist Chinese republic. In 1920–1921, drought and ensuing famine devastated more than 300 counties in five northern provinces, leading to some 500,000 deaths. Long credited to international intervention, the relief effort, Pierre Fuller shows, actually began from within Chinese social circles.