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Coming to terms with diversity in an increasingly multicultural world has become one of the most pressing public policy projects for liberal democracies in the early 21st century. One way to come to terms with diversity is to try to understand the scope and limits of toleration for variety at different national sites where immigration from foreign lands has complicated the cultural landscape. This seminar examines a series of legal and moral questions about the proper response to norm conflict between mainstream populations and cultural minority groups (including old and new immigrants), with special reference to court cases that have arisen in the recent history of the United States.

Course Code
HMRT 35600
Cross List
CHDV 45699, PSYC 45300, ANTH 45600, KNOW 45699, GNSE 45600

Richard Shweder
Seminar Course

T: 2:00 - 4:50 p.m.