Join us for an event with Jill Richards (English, Yale), as we discuss her new book, The Fury Archives: Female Citizenship, Human Rights, and the International Avant-Gardes (Columbia University Press, 2020). Those interested in reading chapters in advance can download the Introduction and Chapter 3 of The Fury Archives. (Reading in advance is not required in order to attend or participate.)
In her book, Richards argues that in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, radical women’s movements and the avant-gardes were often in contact with one another, brought together through the socialist internationals. As she shows, each of these movements offered the other an experimental language that could move beyond the nation-state’s rights of man and citizen, suggesting an alternative conceptual vocabulary for women’s rights.
With responses by University of Chicago faculty Sonali Thakkar (English), Anna Elena Torres (Comparative Literature), and Brandon Truett (English Humanities Teaching Fellow).
Presented in partnership with the Seminary Co-op Bookstores, the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, and the UChicago English Department.